Well, like what many women go through, especially after having children, I gained quite a bit of weight. With breast feeding and exercise I was able to lose most of it, but eventually gained ALL of my pregnancy weight back. I never thought myself a poor eater, but something had to be contributing to my weight-gain, I just couldn't figure out exactly what?!
Over the next few years, I balanced being a practically single, stay-at-home mom, and Navy wife living in Seattle which is over 1000 miles away from my family.
Was I depressed?
Was I dealing with too much stress?
Was I eating too much?
The answer to these are all YES, unfortunately. I just didn't realize it at the time.
-I was mildy depressed from being away from family, having a regularly deployed husband, and was ridiculously self-conscious about my appearance and the weight I had not been able to lose.
-All of these things, in addition to having a newborn stressed me out constantly.
-And as many of us know, STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards and that explains my poor eating habits. Not to mention I was very particular about my son's healthy eating habits that I basically neglected my own.
My weight had rollercoastered UP and DOWN, and at one point through diet and exercise, I lost ALL of the baby fat. Again, failing to maintain these habits eventually caused me to gain it all back which is where I'm at now.
Another thing you should know is that I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease- a form of Hypothyroidism caused when the immune system attacks the thyroid (for whatever reason) therefore resulting in symptoms of extreme tiredness, lack of energy, weight-gain, and depression just to name a few. The thyroid's mayor fuctions include regulating your metabolism and increasing utilization of cholesterol, fats, protein, and carbohydrates. This, in addition to what I mentioned above had been contributing to all of my symptoms. After nearly 5 years of dealing with these, it was hard to take in a "diagnosed disease" but relieved to have found an answer and a solution!
Anatomy of the thyroid and it's function.
Anatomy of the thyroid and it's function.
So, now that you're aware of my health history I can explain my new goals and plans. Like I said, I've always been passionate about health and fitness, but throughout the last 5 years I've lacked the drive and motivation to take care of myself and be healthy. Being on my new thyroid hormone regulating meds, I have noticed a big change in my energy levels. I have much more motivation to get where I want to be!
I have tried to organize several fitness groups/meet-ups throughout the Pittsburgh area to get other women, MOMS to be motivated and healthy! I haven't had much success yet but hope that within the next few months I can spread the word and develop more interest. Many women want to work out, want to eat healthy, look AND feel good, but just don't know how and where to start. I just hope that I can inspire and encourage others to gain a bigger interest in their health.
I've learned that being healthy is NOT about a specific number on the scale, but about your internal health as well, diet affects your organs, not just your appearance! I was surprised not to find any "Mom Fitness" classes and organizations in the area when we moved out here. With more research, more education, and more awareness I hope to change that in the near future. Not only for myself, but for all the moms out there who are struggling with similar issues. :)
down 20lbs in 2011
now (2013) up 15lbs
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you"
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